Frequently Asked Questions > General ENT Questions > When is sinus surgery necessary?
Sinus surgery would be “necessary” in cases of cancer involving the sinuses or extension of infection into the eye or brain. Another reason would be to drain an infected sinus that was thought to be the cause of a blood stream infection, meningitis or affect the health of a patient who is immunocompromised. Sinus surgery is recommended in patients who have large polyps filling their nose and/or extensive persistent thickening and/or infection in a sinus. Prior to surgery, antibiotic therapy, allergy evaluation or treatment, use of nasal steroids or oral steroids can be used to clear infection and persistent sinus disease. If aggressive medical management fails, a CAT scan of the sinuses is obtained. This is to determine if there really is disease in a sinus, if the opening to the sinus is obstructed, if a deviated septum is present and if the amount of disease correlates with the symptoms. A patient can ask for a copy of the radiologists report of their CAT scan to compare a surgeons proposed surgery with abnormalities on the scan. A report of a mucous retention cyst in a maxillary sinus is rather common and often are asymptomatic and do not require surgery.
Last updated on February 15, 2010 by Web Manager